Which group of ancient Greek women had greater freedom? this is the social studies test on connections academy i need some help please.

To determine which group of ancient Greek women had greater freedom, we need to consider the social structure and roles of women in different periods of ancient Greece. Here's how you can find the answer:

1. Research the different classes of ancient Greek women: In ancient Greece, women were divided into three main classes: citizen women, metic women, and slave women. Each class had different levels of freedom and rights.

2. Study the role of citizen women: Citizen women belonged to the upper class and had certain rights and privileges. They could own property, participate in religious festivals, and sometimes engage in public life. Research prominent citizen women such as Aspasia or Diotima, who demonstrate the freedom some women enjoyed.

3. Examine the role of metic women: Metic women were resident foreigners in ancient Greece. Although they had more opportunities than slave women, they had limited legal rights and were excluded from political participation or holding certain positions in society. Compare the rights and freedoms of metic women to those of citizen women.

4. Consider the status of slave women: Slave women had the least amount of freedom among the three classes. They were considered property and had no rights. Their lives were controlled by their owners, and they were subject to labor or sexual exploitation. Understand the vast differences in freedom and autonomy between slave women and the other groups.

5. Analyze primary sources and scholarly articles: To support your understanding of women's roles in ancient Greece, seek out primary sources such as texts written by ancient Greek philosophers, historians, or playwrights. Additionally, consult scholarly articles or books written by experts in the field to gather more in-depth information and different perspectives.

By researching and analyzing these aspects, you will be able to determine which group of ancient Greek women had greater freedom and provide a well-informed answer for your social studies test.