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A triangle is shown with two sides that each measure 21. The angle between the two sides is 38 degrees. One of the other base angles is labeled x degrees.

What is the value of x?

is not multiple answers

plzzz help, thank you

two equal sides means an isosceles triangle

the two base angles are equal

2 x = 180º - 38º

To find the value of angle x in the triangle, we can use the fact that the sum of the angles in a triangle is always 180 degrees.

We have a triangle with two sides measuring 21 and an angle between them of 38 degrees.

Let's denote the base angles as x and y.

We know that the sum of the three angles in the triangle is 180 degrees.

So we can set up the following equation:

x + 38 + y = 180

Now, we need to solve for x.

To do this, we can isolate x by subtracting 38 and y from both sides of the equation:

x = 180 - 38 - y


x = 142 - y

Now, we have an equation relating x and y, but we need more information to find the exact value of x.

To solve for the value of x, we can use the fact that the sum of the angles in a triangle is always 180 degrees.

In this triangle, we have two known angles: the angle between the two sides, which is 38 degrees, and one of the base angles, which we'll call x degrees.

To find the third angle, we can subtract the sum of these two angles from 180.

180 degrees - (38 degrees + x degrees) = 180 degrees - 38 degrees - x degrees = 142 degrees - x degrees.

Since we know that the sum of the angles in a triangle is always 180 degrees, we can set 142 degrees - x degrees equal to the third angle:

142 degrees - x degrees = x degrees.

To solve for x, we can add x degrees to both sides of the equation:

142 degrees = 2x degrees.

Next, we will isolate x by dividing both sides of the equation by 2:

142 degrees / 2 = 2x degrees / 2

71 degrees = x degrees.

Therefore, the value of x is 71 degrees.