1) The largest city in Costa Rica is...

Answer: San Jose

2) Conocen ellos a mi amiga
Answer: Si, conocen a tu amiga

3)____ tu donde esta la biblioteca
Answer: Sabes

4) Nosotros ____ quien el el presidente
Answer: sabemos

5) Juan va de vacaciones cada verano a Costa Rica ___ muy bien las playas alli
Answer: Conoce

Answers for connections

quien *** es*** el presidente

otherwise looks ok :)

Always right is correct!

1) The largest city in Costa Rica is San Jose.

2) "Conocen ellos a mi amiga?" - "Si, conocen a tu amiga." (Do they know my friend? - Yes, they know your friend.)
3) "____ tu donde esta la biblioteca?" - "Sabes." (Do you know where the library is?)
4) "Nosotros ____ quien el el presidente." - "Sabemos." (We know who the president is.)
5) "Juan va de vacaciones cada verano a Costa Rica ___ muy bien las playas alli." - "Conoce." (Juan goes on vacation to Costa Rica every summer and he knows the beaches there very well.)

To find the answer for the first question, "The largest city in Costa Rica is..." you can simply search for "largest city in Costa Rica" on a search engine like Google. The result will show that the largest city in Costa Rica is San Jose.

For the second question, "Conocen ellos a mi amiga", it is a Spanish sentence which translates to "Do they know my friend?" To determine the answer, you need to understand the context of the sentence or have prior knowledge of the people being referred to. If you know that "ellos" refers to a group of people who know your friend, then the answer would be "Si, conocen a tu amiga" which means "Yes, they know your friend."

The third question is incomplete, as it says "____ tu donde esta la biblioteca." However, I can deduce that the sentence may be asking "Do you know where the library is?" to which the answer would be "Sabes" which means "You know."

The fourth question, "Nosotros ____ quien el presidente" is also incomplete. Assuming it's asking "Do we know who the president is?" the answer would be "sabemos" which means "we know."

Lastly, the fifth question, "Juan va de vacaciones cada verano a Costa Rica ___ muy bien las playas alli." The missing word seems to be a verb describing Juan's knowledge or familiarity with the beaches in Costa Rica. If we fill in the blank with "conoce," the sentence would read "Juan va de vacaciones cada verano a Costa Rica conoce muy bien las playas alli" which translates to "Juan goes on vacation to Costa Rica every summer and knows the beaches there very well."