The relative pronoun that is used with an essential clause, and the relative pronoun which is used with a nonessential clause. In 3–5 sentences, explain when to use each pronoun and the difference between the two types of relative clauses. (2 points)

i put So In a defining clause, use the word that, but in a non-defining clause, use which. A non-defining clause is as disposable as a mask. If you are able to remove the clause without messing up the meaning of the sentence, then the clause is non-defining.

can somone check?

honor code = not important

Okay good fa y’all but I am struggling and stressed so therefore I’m cheating

@7th Grader CCA simply dont get caught its that easy, no effort easy A's. Only reason some kids are getting held back is cause they are blatant asf, if you know what your doing which half of yall dont you would get caught.

Your first sentence makes no sense. Maybe adding correct punctuation and removing unnecessary words would help. Your other two sentences are fine.

i dont knowwww

i don't know either. wheres mrs. sue when we need her?

meghy cow or wtv ur name is i never follow the honor code

guys they are right :)

Essential Clause is the info in the clause necessary to the understanding of the sentince while a Nonessential clause uses commas before and after nonessential clauses that interrupt a sentince without changing the essential meaning. An example for essential clause: The bike that my dad built looked brand new. The example for nonessential clause: The garage, that was really old, had alot of boxes. When you use relative pronouns you have to use them correctly: Who relates to people (subject); Whom relates to people (whom); Which relates to animals and objects; That relates to people, animals, and things; Whose refers to possession; Where refers to place; When refers to time; Why refers to reason; What relates to things.

you're missing another question they are asking you... you can cheack what i wrote....dont copy because you must follow the honor code.

😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 -> 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 -> 😓😓😓😓

@zen <3!!, the honor code is quite important, if a teacher finds out you cheated 3 times on multiple test, quiz or quick check, you can get held back a grade. So if youre in 6th grade and cheat, next year you won't go to 7th grade, you'll redo 6th grade. And yes I'm on this site to check my answers and not cheat, checking answers is much different then cheating. My rule is that I check them and then if I got one wrong or more I don't change it, cause then that IS cheating if I change it.