1.Which stages do all stars have in common in their life cycles?


2.Which of these can a star become at the end of its evolution?
Answers: black hole,neutron star,white dwarf.

3.which is a possible sequence in the life cycle of a massive star?

4.Based on the diagram, which statement about stellar evolution are true?

Which stages do all stars have in common in their life cycles?

Answer: protostar, nebula

Which of these can a star become at the end of its evolution? Choose the three correct answers.
Answer: a neutron star, a black hole, a white dwarf

Based on the diagram, which statements about stellar evolution are true? Select the two correct answers.
Answer: Massive stars evolve more quickly than average stars, Average stars evolve more slowly than massive stars

Which is a possible sequence in the life cycle of a massive star?
Answer: nebula, protostar, star, super red giant, supernova, neutron star

100% correct

The question asker person isn’t because the answer placement changes but anonymous is

100 correct Anonymous is right

Anon amos is rong!!!!!!


Thanks Anonymous🫶🏽

Which stages do all stars have in common in their life cycles?

Answer: protostar, nebula

Which of these can a star become at the end of its evolution? Choose the three correct answers.
Answer: a neutron star, a black hole, a white dwarf

Based on the diagram, which statements about stellar evolution are true? Select the two correct answers.
Answer: Massive stars evolve more quickly than average stars, Average stars evolve more slowly than massive stars

Which is a possible sequence in the life cycle of a massive star?
Answer: nebula, protostar, star, super red giant, supernova, neutron star

Still 100% for 8th grade Connexus
Credit goes to Anonymous

To explain how to get the answer to each question:

1. To determine which stages all stars have in common in their life cycles, you can study the process of stellar formation. Stars are born from the contraction of interstellar clouds of gas and dust called nebulae. During this process, a protostar is formed, which is a dense core of gas that will eventually become a star. Therefore, the stages that all stars have in common in their life cycles are protostar and nebula.

2. To determine what a star can become at the end of its evolution, you can study the different outcomes based on its mass. Higher mass stars go through a more explosive and intense evolution. Depending on their final mass, stars can become black holes, neutron stars, or white dwarfs. A black hole forms when a star's core collapses with such gravity that it creates a region where nothing, not even light, can escape. A neutron star forms when a massive star explodes in a supernova, leaving behind a dense core composed mainly of neutrons. A white dwarf forms when a low or medium mass star reaches the end of its life and sheds its outer layers, leaving behind a dense, hot core.

3. To determine a possible sequence in the life cycle of a massive star, you can study the stages that occur after the protostar phase. A massive star undergoes fusion reactions in its core, creating heavier elements and releasing energy, which allows it to reach the main sequence phase. From there, the star can evolve into a red giant, followed by a supernova explosion if it is massive enough. This explosion can leave behind either a neutron star or a black hole, depending on the mass of the progenitor star. Therefore, a possible sequence in the life cycle of a massive star is: protostar, main sequence, red giant, supernova, neutron star or black hole.

4. To determine which statements about stellar evolution are true based on a specific diagram, you would need to be provided with the diagram itself. Without the diagram, I cannot provide specific answers for statements B and D. The best approach would be to analyze the diagram and look for any labeled stages or key information provided to support or refute the statements. Once you have that information, you can determine which statements are true about the stellar evolution depicted in the diagram.