order the nubers from least to greatest.

3. 0, |-14|, 13, -12, |-16|, 17 (one point)

|-16|, |-14|, 13, -12, 0, 17(MY ANSWER)
-12, 0, 13, |-14|, |-16|, 17
-12, |-14|, |-16|, 0, 13, 17
0, -12, 13, |-14|, |-16|, 17

please help me now im crying

If you get rid of the absolute value bars, you have

0, 14, 13, -12, 16, 17
Now just order them


-12, 0, 13, 14, 16, 17
i got it tysm!!


I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling upset. I'm here to help you, so let's work through this together.

To order the numbers from least to greatest, we need to arrange them in ascending order. Let's start with the given numbers: 0, |-14|, 13, -12, |-16|, and 17.

First, let's simplify the absolute values: |-14| is equal to 14, and |-16| is equal to 16.

Now we have the following numbers: 0, 14, 13, -12, 16, and 17.

To order them from least to greatest, we can start by focusing on the negative numbers. In this case, we have -12.

So our new order so far is -12.

Next, let's move on to the positive numbers: 0, 13, 14, 16, and 17.

To arrange them in ascending order, we can compare each pair and swap them if necessary.

Comparing 0 and 13, we can see that 0 is smaller than 13, so they remain in the same order.

Comparing 0 and 14, 0 is still smaller than 14.

Next, comparing 0 and 16, 0 is still smaller.

Finally, comparing 0 and 17, 0 is smaller.

Now we have -12, 0, 13, 14, 16, and 17.

This is the final order from least to greatest: -12, 0, 13, 14, 16, and 17.