Five INTERVIEW questions of service delivery protest

Draw up any five interview questions will used the understanding of service delivery protest by the school learners

Can I get questions regarding service delivery protest

Interviews questions after a protest in Ga ledwaba

Service delivery protests are defined as demonstrations, often violent in nature, levelled at incompetent municipalities for their perceived lack of public provision. Protesting provinces: The good and the bad Both the Eastern Cape and the Gauteng provinces recorded the highest number of service delivery protests.

Who are you interviewing? What is the purpose of your interviews?

Draw up any five interview questions about service delivery protest

I need an project about the service delivery protests

Interview questions

When it comes to interviewing individuals about service delivery protests, it is important to ask questions that can help gain insight into their perspectives and experiences. Here are five interview questions that can be asked:

Question 1: Can you describe your personal experience with service delivery protests?
To get a better understanding of the interviewee's firsthand experience, ask this open-ended question. Encourage them to share details about any specific protests they have witnessed or participated in and how it impacted their lives.

Question 2: What are the main reasons behind service delivery protests, in your opinion?
This question aims to explore the interviewee's perspective on the underlying causes of these protests. Encourage them to elaborate on the issues they believe lead people to take to the streets and demand better service delivery.

Question 3: How do you think service delivery protests impact communities and society as a whole?
Here, the goal is to understand the interviewee's views on the wider impact of these protests. Encourage them to discuss the short-term and long-term consequences on communities, public services, political dynamics, and social cohesion.

Question 4: What alternatives do you think exist for addressing service delivery issues, besides protests?
It is essential to explore possible solutions. By asking this question, you encourage the interviewee to think critically about alternative methods to address service delivery concerns and their effectiveness.

Question 5: How do you envision a positive change in service delivery for your community or country?
In this question, give the interviewee an opportunity to share their vision for improvement. Encourage them to think beyond the problems and focus on potential solutions or actions that could lead to positive change in service delivery.

Remember, during the interview, actively listen to their responses, ask follow-up questions, and remain respectful throughout the process.

Interview questions