Normally, a prime consideration in designing a child's bedroom is that the

A -- mood is conversational
B -- room has a secondary focal point
C -- colors provide contrast
D -- furnishings are sturdy,

To determine the prime consideration in designing a child's bedroom, you need to understand the specific needs and requirements for a child's space. Here are the explanations for each option:

A -- Mood is Conversational:
This option suggests that the child's bedroom should have a conversational mood. However, this choice may not be the primary consideration for designing a child's bedroom. Instead, it could be a secondary consideration to create a welcoming and comfortable environment.

B -- Room has a Secondary Focal Point:
Having a secondary focal point in a child's bedroom, such as a captivating wall mural or a themed play area, can be an essential design element. However, it might not be the prime consideration in the design, as it doesn't address the main purpose or function of the room.

C -- Colors Provide Contrast:
Color contrast can be a consideration in designing a child's bedroom. Using contrasting colors can make the room visually appealing and stimulate creativity. Nonetheless, it is still not the primary consideration as it doesn't address the fundamental requirements of the child's bedroom.

D -- Furnishings are Sturdy:
Considering that children tend to be active and playful, ensuring that the furnishings are sturdy is indeed a prime consideration in designing their bedroom. Making sure that the furniture can withstand the wear and tear associated with children's activities is crucial for their safety and the durability of the room.

Therefore, the correct answer is option D -- furnishings are sturdy. This consideration directly addresses the specific needs of a child's bedroom and their active lifestyle.