John is at a local bait shop; he wants to buy bait for his fishing trip. At the store, they are selling live bait for $12 a pound and natural bait for $7 a pound. John would like to get at least 3 pounds of live bait, but he only has a budget of $63. Let x be the amount of live bait and y be the amount of natural bait. Model the scenario with a system of inequalities.

Using your definitions ...

"at least 3 pounds of live bait" -----> x ≥ 3
"only has a budget of $63" ----> 12x + 7y ≤ 63

To model the scenario with a system of inequalities, we need to set up the constraints for John's budget and the amount of live bait he wants to purchase.

Let's write the system of inequalities:

Constraint 1: John wants at least 3 pounds of live bait.
x ≥ 3

Constraint 2: John's budget is $63.
12x + 7y ≤ 63

So, the system of inequalities is:

x ≥ 3
12x + 7y ≤ 63

To model the scenario with a system of inequalities, let's define the variables and establish the constraints:

Let x be the amount of live bait (in pounds).
Let y be the amount of natural bait (in pounds).

Now, let's establish the constraints based on the given information:

1. John wants at least 3 pounds of live bait:
x ≥ 3

2. John's budget is $63:
12x + 7y ≤ 63

To summarize, the system of inequalities representing the scenario is:

x ≥ 3
12x + 7y ≤ 63

These inequalities represent the minimum weight requirement for live bait (x ≥ 3) and the budget constraint (12x + 7y ≤ 63).