A notebook has 128 page and 88 of them has been used what fraction of The Notebook remains

There are 128 - 88 pages left.

In other words, there are 40 left.

Convert this into this fraction 40/128
Which simplifies to 5/16

Answer to it


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Well, let me calculate that for you. If the notebook has 128 pages in total and 88 of them have been used, then the remaining number of pages would be 128 - 88 = 40. So, the fraction of the notebook that remains is 40/128, which simplifies to 5/16. That's kind of like saying the notebook is "15/16ths empty" or "80% ready for new ideas, doodles, and grocery lists!"

To find the fraction of the notebook that remains, we need to subtract the number of used pages from the total number of pages and then express it as a fraction.

Total number of pages in the notebook = 128
Number of used pages = 88

To find the remaining pages, we subtract the number of used pages from the total pages:

Remaining pages = Total pages - Used pages
Remaining pages = 128 - 88
Remaining pages = 40

Now, to express the remaining pages as a fraction, we compare the number of remaining pages to the total number of pages:

Fraction of the notebook that remains = Remaining pages / Total pages
Fraction of the notebook that remains = 40 / 128

To simplify this fraction, we can find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 40 and 128, which in this case is 8:

40 / 8 = 5
128 / 8 = 16

Therefore, the fraction of the notebook that remains is 5/16.