My mother, my stepfather, my brother Giuseppe, and my two sisters, Liberta and Helvetia, all of us together, happy that we had come through the storm safely, clustered on the foredeck for fear of separation and looked with wonder on this miraculous land of our dreams.

Giuseppe and I held tightly to Stepfather's hands, while Liberta and Helvetia clung to Mother. Passengers all about us were crowding against the rail. Jabbered conversations, sharp cries, laughs and cheers -- a steadily rising din filled the air. Mothers and fathers lifted up babies so that they too could see, off to the left, the Statue of Liberty.

Which detail best supports the idea that arriving in America was a great relief after the long voyage?

Immigrant passengers were very crowded on the ship’s deck.
Immigrant passengers were afraid of being separated.
Immigrant passengers made noise when they saw the Statue of Liberty.
Immigrant passengers held tightly to their families.

its b

The detail that best supports the idea that arriving in America was a great relief after the long voyage is that immigrant passengers held tightly to their families. This suggests that they were relieved to finally reach their destination and were fearful of being separated after the challenging journey. Holding tightly to their families demonstrates their emotional attachment and desire to stay together, emphasizing the sense of relief upon arrival.

Toss-up between B and D. What do YOU think?
