Solve the expression 6 x one sixth + 11 x 2 using PEMDAS.



C) 22

D) 23

6 * 1/6 + 11 * 2

1 + 22

To solve the expression using PEMDAS, we follow the order of operations:

Step 1: Simplify within parentheses or brackets (none in this case).

Step 2: Evaluate exponents (none in this case).

Step 3: Perform multiplication or division from left to right.

6 x one sixth + 11 x 2

Simplifying multiplication:

6 x one sixth = 1

11 x 2 = 22

So the expression simplifies to:

1 + 22

Step 4: Perform addition or subtraction from left to right.

1 + 22 = 23

Therefore, the answer is D) 23.

To solve the expression 6 x one sixth + 11 x 2 using PEMDAS, we need to follow the order of operations.

1. Parentheses: Since there are no parentheses in the expression, we move to the next step.

2. Exponents: There are no exponents in the expression, so we move on.

3. Multiplication and Division: We perform multiplication and division from left to right.

First, let's calculate 6 multiplied by one-sixth:
6 x (1/6) = 6/6 = 1

Next, we calculate 11 multiplied by 2:
11 x 2 = 22

4. Addition and Subtraction: Finally, we perform addition and subtraction from left to right.

Adding the previous results:
1 + 22 = 23

Therefore, the expression 6 x one sixth + 11 x 2 equals 23.

Therefore, the correct option is:

D) 23

Hope this helps!

Answer: 16