Read the excerpt from Martin Luther King Jr.’s "The American Dream” speech.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.”

Now read the excerpt from Governor George Wallace's inaugural address.

We invite the negro citizens of Alabama to work with us from his separate racial station . . . as we will work with him . . . to develop, to grow in individual freedom and enrichment.
The excerpts conflict because
A. the first suggests that life, liberty, and happiness are basic rights, while the second suggests that freedom is the only basic right.
B. the first suggests that all are born with equal rights, while the second suggests that certain citizens need to be separated in order to become equal.
C. the second suggests that black citizens enjoy working with white citizens, while the first suggests that black citizens cannot work with white citizens.
D. the second suggests that it is a racial group’s own responsibility to improve itself, while the first suggests that this idea is a proven fact.

I rly don't know :)

To determine the answer, we need to analyze the key differences between the two excerpts.

The first excerpt, from Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech, emphasizes the foundational principles of equality and unalienable rights for all individuals. It highlights the idea that all people are created equal and share basic rights such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

On the other hand, the second excerpt, from Governor George Wallace's inaugural address, presents a contrasting view. It invites African American citizens to work alongside white citizens, but it also suggests the need for separate racial stations. This implies that certain citizens need to be segregated or separated in order to achieve equality.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is B. The excerpts conflict because the first suggests that all individuals are born with equal rights, while the second suggests that certain citizens need to be separated in order to become equal.