Identify the sentence that is correctly punctuated.



When the police recover the lost merchandise—a diamond bracelet, they will notify you.


When the police recover the lost merchandise (a diamond bracelet), they will notify you.


When the police recover the lost merchandise–a diamond bracelet; they will notify you

Thank you

The sentence that is correctly punctuated is option B:

When the police recover the lost merchandise (a diamond bracelet), they will notify you.

The sentence that is correctly punctuated is B) "When the police recover the lost merchandise (a diamond bracelet), they will notify you."

To identify the correctly punctuated sentence, we need to consider the use of punctuation marks and their proper placement within the sentence. In option A, there is a missing closing punctuation mark after "bracelet." In option C, there is an incorrect use of a dash instead of parentheses, which is not appropriate in this context.

Option B correctly uses parentheses to set apart the additional information "a diamond bracelet" within the sentence. The parentheses indicate that the information is nonessential but provides additional detail about the lost merchandise. The sentence also uses the appropriate punctuation marks in terms of comma placement before and after the parentheses.