How is the pronoun in bold letters used?

Have YOU seen him today?

B.Direct object

C.Predicate nominative

You is the word in bold

Subject is the answer


The bolded pronoun "YOU" is used as the subject in the sentence "Have YOU seen him today?" The subject of a sentence is typically the noun or pronoun that performs the action of the verb or is being described by the linking verb. In this case, "YOU" is the one who has seen "him" today, so "YOU" is functioning as the subject.

To identify the function of a pronoun in a sentence, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the pronoun: Identify the word that is taking the place of a noun in the sentence. In this case, the pronoun is "YOU" because it is replacing the noun that represents the person being spoken to.

2. Determine the sentence structure: Look at how the pronoun is related to the other words in the sentence. In this sentence, "Have YOU seen him today?", the pronoun "YOU" is followed by the verb "have," indicating that it is the subject of the sentence.

3. Analyze the pronoun's role: Consider the possible functions of the pronoun, such as being the subject, direct object, indirect object, object of a preposition, or predicate nominative. In this case, the pronoun "YOU" is the one performing the action of seeing, so it is functioning as the subject.

So, in the sentence "Have YOU seen him today?", the pronoun "YOU" is used as the subject.