Damien has designed a sculpture to enter in an art show. The sculpture is a composite shape made from two square pyramids and is covered in pieces of mosaic tile

22in, 30in, 16in

What is the area of the sculpture that is covered in mosaic tile?

A. 1920.00 square inches
B. 1877.33 square inches
C. 2176.00 square inches
D. 3754.67 square inches

Clarification needed here

Are the two pyramids joined at their bases?
what are the 3 data values you gave supposed to represent?

can you help me understand this question plz thanks

1. no?

2.22in, 30in, 16in?

I asked you to clarify,

you simply said NO to being joined at the bases, but did say how else ....
and you just repeated the data values without telling us what they are.

So this becomes a NO-CAN-DO type of question.

To find the area of the sculpture that is covered in mosaic tile, we need to find the combined surface area of the two square pyramids.

Let's first calculate the surface area of each pyramid separately. The surface area of a square pyramid is given by the formula A = s^2 + 2sl, where A is the surface area, s is the length of the base, and l is the slant height.

For the first pyramid:
Base length (s) = 22 inches
Slant height (l) = 30 inches

A = (22^2) + 2(22)(30)
A = 484 + 1320
A = 1804 square inches

For the second pyramid:
Base length (s) = 16 inches
Slant height (l) = 30 inches

A = (16^2) + 2(16)(30)
A = 256 + 960
A = 1216 square inches

Now, we need to find the total surface area of both pyramids by adding their individual surface areas:

Total surface area = 1804 + 1216
Total surface area = 3020 square inches

Therefore, the correct answer is not listed among the answer choices provided.