You start a search for a buried object by marking the center of a field as (0,0), with coordinates giving distance in yards. Coordinates to The north or east are positive, and coordinates to the south or west are negative. You find nothing at (-10, 6), so you try a likely looking spot 3 yards to the east and 12 yards to the south of the first spot. what are the coordinates of the second spot?

Answer choices: (-7, -6) (12,-6) (-13,-9) (5,-3). PLS HELP 🙏

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Write an inequality for this situation Sam scored at least 26 points. K<26 k>26

The correct inequality for this situation is: K >= 26.

Write an inequality for the following situation. No more than 5 books in your backpack x>5 or x<5

The correct inequality for this situation is: x <= 5.

the 1st choice looks good ...

They didn’t even put their answer-


Are y’all ever going to answer this kids question-