1.How do mountain ranges affect life in South America?

A.Mountains make travel difficult, but some people can farm in the region
B.Mountains have many flat grassland regions that are very similar to the Great Plains of the United States.
C.Mountains have some of the largest waterways in the world which serves as natural highways.
D.Mountains have dense evergreen forests and an abundance of rainfall throughout the year.

2.The list below gives examples of which civilization?

A.Quechua civilization
B.Mayan civilization
C.Aztec civilization
D.Incan civilization

3.Why did foreign nations build seaports and railroads in Latin America?

A.Railroads and seaports united all cultures of Latin America.
B.Railroads and seaports made it easier for foreign companies to import their products.
C.Railroads and seaports made it easier for the United States to keep law and order in Latin America.
D.Railroads and seaports made it easier for foreign companies to export their products.

4.Why is land above 14,000’ typically not used for agriculture?

A.As long as the land is near the Equator it can be used for agriculture.
B.The temperate may remain below freezing - too cold for people and animals to live and crops to grow.
C.The temperature follows traditional seasonal climate patterns.
D.The temperature is consistently warm and receives a moderate amount of rainfall.

5.Look at the North America map below. Cuba is labeled with which letter?


6.Why is it important for countries to diversify their economies?

A.One-resource economies ensure countries are well diversified.
B.One-resource economies protect a country from hazards of competition.
C.One-resource economies are vulnerable to outside factors that can leave the country with few or no sources of income.
D.One-resource economies leave the country with many varieties and sources of income.

7.How do temperature, rainfall, and elevation affect plants and crops?

A.Plants and crops and not affected by temperature, rainfall, and elevation.
B.Climate affects what plants and crops grow naturally and what can be grown as crops.
C.Climate does not affect crops or vegetation.
D.Climate only affects the success of crops, not plants.

8.The following explains why there might there be a connection between industrialization and debt.

A.Many foreign businesses own companies and land in industrialized countries.
B.The industrialized countries have borrowed large sums of money to help them industrialize.
C.Industrialized nations have billions of dollars of debt.
D.Foreign countries have not expected repayment of debt.

9.The list below gives examples of which civilization?

A.Quechua civilization
B.Aztec civilization
C.Mayan civilization
D.Incan civilization

10.Look at The World map below. South America is labeled with which letter?


11.Throughout much of Latin America, people use rushing water to create

B.Swimming pools
D.Water parks

12.Where are the landforms listed below found?

B.South America
C.North America
D.Central America

13.Latin America is located in the Western Hemisphere. What three regions make up Latin America?

A.Mexico, Central America, South America
B.Mexico, the United States, and Canada
C.Middle America (Mexico and Central America), the Caribbean, and South America
D.Central America, the Caribbean, and South America

14.How did the Spanish conquest affect Native Americans and Africans?

A.The population of Native Americans and Africans increased.
B.Native Americans were forced to work on haciendas and in mines. Many died from overwork, malnutrition, and disease. The Spanish then brought millions of enslaved Africans to work in the Americas.
C.During the 1500’s, Native Americans and Africans led many successful rebellions.
D.The land owned by Native Americans increased. To meet the labor demands, they brought millions of enslaved Africans to work in the Americas.

15.How did Latin America’s economy change after independence?

A.Latin American nations were free to trade with other countries; however, they still relied on exporting farm products and minerals, and importing manufactured goods.
B.Latin America’s economy did not change.
C.Latin American countries only traded with other countries.
D.Latin American countries exported farm products, minerals, and other resources to Spain and Portugal.

16.How does climate affect the ways that Latin Americans live?

A.Climate only affects the success of crops.
B.Climate does not affect crops or vegetation.
C.Climate does not affect the way people live.
D.Climate affects the variety and success of crops and they type of clothing and shelter needed to survive.

17.How is the Amazon River significant to people who live in the region? Read the passage below to help you answer.

A.People use the river for travel, electricity, and as a source of food.
B.It is one of the rivers forming the Rio de la Plata system.
C.The waterway is significant to people in the region.
D.It is the second largest river in the world.

18.What has rapid population growth in Mexico and Central American cities led to?

A.Plenty of available housing
B.A surplus of services
C.Difficulty providing housing and services
D.Improved living conditions

19.The list below gives examples of which civilization?

A.Mayan civilization
B.Aztec civilization
C.Quechua civilization
D.Incan civilization

20.What best explains why there is there so much cultural diversity in the Caribbean today?

A.Many different European groups colonized and brought enslaved Africans. In modern times, people from China, India, and the Middle East have come to work in the Caribbean.
B.Spanish, Dutch, French, and English colonists arrived and established sugar plantations.
C.Around 1000, the Caribs, a South American group, arrived and lived in the region for about 400 years.
D.The Ciboney and other Native American groups lived in the region for thousands of years.

Please help me out on this. Thanks!
MWS B Unit 3 Test | Conexuss Academy

1. How do mountain ranges affect life in South America?

- A. Mountains make travel difficult, but some people can farm in the region.

2. The list below gives examples of which civilization?
- D. Incan civilization

3. Why did foreign nations build seaports and railroads in Latin America?
- D. Railroads and seaports made it easier for foreign companies to export their products.

4. Why is land above 14,000' typically not used for agriculture?
- B. The temperature may remain below freezing - too cold for people and animals to live and crops to grow.

5. Look at the North America map below. Cuba is labeled with which letter?
- C. 2

6. Why is it important for countries to diversify their economies?
- C. One-resource economies are vulnerable to outside factors that can leave the country with few or no sources of income.

7. How do temperature, rainfall, and elevation affect plants and crops?
- B. Climate affects what plants and crops grow naturally and what can be grown as crops.

8. The following explains why there might there be a connection between industrialization and debt.
- B. The industrialized countries have borrowed large sums of money to help them industrialize.

9. The list below gives examples of which civilization?
- C. Mayan civilization

10. Look at The World map below. South America is labeled with which letter?
- B. S

11. Throughout much of Latin America, people use rushing water to create
- A. Hydroelectricity

12. Where are the landforms listed below found?
- A. Caribbean

13. Latin America is located in the Western Hemisphere. What three regions make up Latin America?
- A. Mexico, Central America, South America

14. How did the Spanish conquest affect Native Americans and Africans?
- B. Native Americans were forced to work on haciendas and in mines, many died from overwork, malnutrition, and disease. The Spanish then brought millions of enslaved Africans to work in the Americas.

15. How did Latin America’s economy change after independence?
- A. Latin American nations were free to trade with other countries; however, they still relied on exporting farm products and minerals, and importing manufactured goods.

16. How does climate affect the ways that Latin Americans live?
- D. Climate affects the variety and success of crops and the type of clothing and shelter needed to survive.

17. How is the Amazon River significant to people who live in the region? Read the passage below to help you answer.
- A. People use the river for travel, electricity, and as a source of food.

18. What has rapid population growth in Mexico and Central American cities led to?
- C. Difficulty providing housing and services

19. The list below gives examples of which civilization?
- C. Quechua civilization

20. What best explains why there is so much cultural diversity in the Caribbean today?
- A. Many different European groups colonized and brought enslaved Africans. In modern times, people from China, India, and the Middle East have come to work in the Caribbean.

1. The answer is A. Mountains make travel difficult, but some people can farm in the region. Mountain ranges in South America can create barriers to transportation and movement between different regions. However, they also provide suitable conditions for farming in certain areas, such as the Andean mountain range.

2. The answer is D. Incan civilization. The list includes examples of civilizations that were present in Latin America before the arrival of Europeans. The Incan civilization was one of the largest and most advanced pre-Columbian civilizations in the region.

3. The answer is D. Railroads and seaports made it easier for foreign companies to export their products. Foreign nations built seaports and railroads in Latin America to facilitate the transportation of goods and resources, allowing for easier exportation and trade. This helped foreign companies to expand their reach and access new markets.

4. The answer is B. The temperature may remain below freezing - too cold for people and animals to live and crops to grow. Land above 14,000 feet in elevation is typically not suitable for agriculture due to the extreme cold temperatures, which make it challenging for crops to grow and sustain human habitation. This is especially true in higher latitudes and mountainous regions.

5. The answer is D. Cuba is labeled with letter D on the North America map.

6. The answer is C. One-resource economies are vulnerable to outside factors that can leave the country with few or no sources of income. Diversifying the economy is important for countries to reduce their dependence on a single resource or industry. One-resource economies are more susceptible to fluctuations in global markets and can suffer significant economic downturns if there are disruptions or changes in demand for that particular resource.

7. The answer is B. Climate affects what plants and crops grow naturally and what can be grown as crops. Temperature, rainfall, and elevation all play a role in determining the types of vegetation and crops that can thrive in a specific region. Different plants and crops have different temperature and rainfall requirements for optimal growth, and elevation can also impact the suitability of certain crops in terms of the available nutrients and conditions.

8. The answer is B. The industrialized countries have borrowed large sums of money to help them industrialize. Industrialization often requires significant investment in infrastructure, technology, and human capital. Many industrialized countries have borrowed large sums of money to fund these endeavors, leading to substantial levels of national debt.

9. The answer is C. Mayan civilization. The list includes examples of ancient civilizations that existed in Latin America before European colonization. The Mayan civilization was a Mesoamerican civilization known for its advanced writing system, impressive architecture, and mathematical and astronomical achievements.

10. The answer is B. South America is labeled with letter S on the world map.

11. The answer is A. Hydroelectricity. Rushing water, such as rivers or waterfalls, can be harnessed to generate hydroelectric power, which is a clean and renewable source of energy. Many countries in Latin America utilize hydroelectric power as a significant source of electricity.

12. The answer is A. Caribbean. The listed landforms are found in the Caribbean region. The Caribbean is a region consisting of numerous islands and archipelagos in the Caribbean Sea.

13. The answer is A. Mexico, Central America, South America. Latin America comprises Mexico, Central America, and South America. These regions share common cultural and historical ties and are generally considered part of the larger Latin American region.

14. The answer is B. Native Americans were forced to work on haciendas and in mines. Many died from overwork, malnutrition, and disease. The Spanish then brought millions of enslaved Africans to work in the Americas. The Spanish conquest resulted in the enslavement and mistreatment of both Native Americans and Africans. Native Americans were often subjected to forced labor and intensive exploitation, leading to significant population declines. As a result, the Spanish turned to the importation of enslaved Africans to meet the labor demands in the Americas.

15. The answer is A. Latin American nations were free to trade with other countries; however, they still relied on exporting farm products and minerals, and importing manufactured goods. After achieving independence, Latin American nations were able to engage in international trade more freely. However, the economies of these countries remained heavily dependent on exporting agricultural products and minerals, while importing manufactured goods from industrialized nations.

16. The answer is D. Climate affects the variety and success of crops and the type of clothing and shelter needed to survive. Climate plays a crucial role in shaping the way people live in Latin America. It affects the types of crops that can be grown successfully, which in turn influences the diet and agricultural practices of the population. Climate also influences the type of clothing and shelter needed to adapt to different temperature and rainfall patterns.

17. The answer is A. People use the river for travel, electricity, and as a source of food. The Amazon River is significant to the people living in the region for various reasons. It serves as a vital transportation route, a source of hydroelectric power generation, and provides a rich source of food through fishing.

18. The answer is C. Difficulty providing housing and services. Rapid population growth in Mexico and Central American cities can lead to difficulties in providing adequate housing and essential services, such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure. The influx of people puts a strain on existing resources and can result in overcrowding and inadequate living conditions.

19. The answer is A. Mayan civilization. The list includes examples of ancient civilizations that existed in Latin America before European colonization. The Mayan civilization was a Mesoamerican civilization known for its advanced writing system, impressive architecture, and mathematical and astronomical achievements.

20. The answer is A. Many different European groups colonized and brought enslaved Africans. In modern times, people from China, India, and the Middle East have come to work in the Caribbean. The Caribbean has experienced significant cultural diversity due to the historical colonization by various European powers and the transatlantic slave trade, which brought people of African descent to the region. In more recent times, there has been immigration from other parts of the world, such as China, India, and the Middle East, contributing to the multicultural makeup of the Caribbean.

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