I inadvertently posted a couple questions. Can I get in contact with someone to have them removed? They are copyrighted!

scroll down to the bottom -- there is a Contact Us button

They don’t respond to my requests. I would like to ask a tutor for assistance or someone who is able to help with this.

If you have inadvertently posted copyrighted questions and you would like to have them removed, here are the general steps you can follow:

1. Identify the platform: Determine where you posted the questions. Is it on a website, social media platform, or another online forum? This is important because the process for removing copyrighted content may vary depending on the platform.

2. Review the platform's guidelines: Go through the terms of service, user agreement, or community guidelines of the platform where you posted the questions. Look for information about copyright infringement, content removal, or how to report violations.

3. Contact the platform's support team: Find the appropriate contact information for the platform's support team. This is typically available in the platform's help center, support page, or by searching for "platform name + support contact" online. Reach out to them regarding the copyrighted questions you posted and explain the situation. Include relevant details such as the specific questions and any proof of copyright ownership if applicable.

4. Provide proof of ownership (if required): If the questions are indeed copyrighted and you have proof of ownership, such as registration details or other supporting documentation, provide those to the platform's support team. This can help validate your claim and expedite the removal process.

5. Follow the platform's instructions: The support team will guide you through the necessary steps to have the questions removed. They may require additional information or clarification, so be ready to provide any requested details promptly.

Remember, every platform has its own procedures and timelines for handling copyright issues. Following these steps should help you get in touch with the appropriate channels to address your concern effectively.