Tillman’s Pizzeria is having a sale on medium and large pizzas. Medium pizzas are 10 inches in diameter and cost $7.99. Large pizzas are 14 inches in diameter and cost $14.99.

Which size pizza is the better deal?

To determine which size pizza is the better deal, we need to compare the price per square inch for each pizza.

First, let's calculate the area of each pizza:
- The area of a medium pizza with a diameter of 10 inches can be calculated using the formula for the area of a circle: A = πr^2. Since the radius is half the diameter, the radius of the medium pizza is 5 inches. Therefore, the area of the medium pizza is A = π(5^2) = 25π square inches.
- The area of a large pizza with a diameter of 14 inches can be calculated in the same way. The radius of the large pizza is 7 inches, so the area of the large pizza is A = π(7^2) = 49π square inches.

Next, we'll calculate the price per square inch for each pizza:
- The medium pizza costs $7.99 and has an area of 25π square inches. Therefore, the price per square inch for the medium pizza is $7.99 / (25π) ≈ $0.102 per square inch.
- The large pizza costs $14.99 and has an area of 49π square inches. Therefore, the price per square inch for the large pizza is $14.99 / (49π) ≈ $0.096 per square inch.

Comparing the two prices per square inch, we can see that the large pizza is the better deal since it has a lower price per square inch. Therefore, the large pizza is the better deal at Tillman's Pizzeria.

the medium pizza

the one with more square inches per dollar

medium 100/799 = 0.125
large 196/1499 = 0.131 has more pizza area perdollar