Why are physicists interested in studying Europa? Check all that apply.

because it is a moon of Saturn
because it is covered in ice
because it has a deep ocean beneath ice
because there is a chance it hosts life
because it has an atmosphere similar to Earth

Nope, oobleck's wrong again.

It's a Jupiter moon, so the middle three (because it is covered in ice, because it has a deep ocean beneath ice, and because there is a chance it hosts life).
Jesus, oobleck, at least google it.

Nope, oobleck's wrong again.

It's a Jupiter moon, so the middle three (because it is covered in ice, because it has a deep ocean beneath ice, and because there is a chance it hosts life).
Jesus, oobleck, at least google it. Trade mark

nope yall are all wrong shut up

πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹you guys don't need to be JERKS to people who need help with a question and others trying to answer, okay just answer and be nice because Jesus loves you (and I'm trying) (that is a song on YOUTUBEβ„’ by Jason Gray)

you also don't need to trade mark thing to be rude πŸ˜ΊπŸ™πŸ™πŸ‘πŸ‘‹

To determine why physicists are interested in studying Europa, we can evaluate each option to see if it applies.

1. Europa is not a moon of Saturn; it is a moon of Jupiter. Therefore, this option is incorrect.

2. Europa is indeed covered in ice. This ice covering is of great interest to physicists as it may provide valuable insights into the moon's geology and potential for supporting life.

3. Europa is known to have a deep ocean beneath its icy crust. This is a fundamental reason why physicists are interested in studying Europa, as the presence of liquid water makes it a potential habitat for life.

4. Scientists are particularly intrigued by the possibility that Europa may host life. This is supported by the presence of an ocean and the potential for energy sources at the ocean floor, which could support microbial organisms.

5. While Europa does not have an atmosphere similar to Earth, it has a very thin and tenuous atmosphere composed mainly of oxygen. This thin atmosphere also represents an area of interest for physicists, as it may provide clues about the interaction between the moon and its surrounding environment.

In summary, the correct options for why physicists are interested in studying Europa are:
- Europa is covered in ice.
- It has a deep ocean beneath its ice.
- There is a chance it hosts life.
- It has a thin atmosphere.

all except the last

though, it is true that Europa's atmosphere is mainly oxygen. I guess that's "similar" to Earth's, which is about 20% oxygen.