Lesson 2: Semester B Exam Algebra 1 B Unit 7: Semester B Exam and Review? Need urgent thank you.

we all have different questions so none of us can all have the right answer :(

To find the measure of counterclockwise rotation from label i to label f, we need to determine the number of sectors the rotation makes from i to f.

From the spinner image, we can see that there are 5 sectors between i and f. Each sector measures 72° since there are 360°/5 = 72° in each sector.

Therefore, the total counterclockwise rotation from i to f is 5 times the measure of one sector, which is 5 × 72° = 360°.

However, we only need to find the smallest such counterclockwise rotation (i.e., the smallest angle that takes us from i to f), since any larger counterclockwise rotation by a multiple of 360° will also take us from i to f.

So, the smallest counterclockwise rotation is just one sector, which is 72°.

Answer: 72°.

the vertices of a triangle are P( 4,7), Q( 8,-1), and R(-9,6). what are the vertices of the image reflected across the x-axis?

Answer Choices:
P'(4,7), Q'(8,-1), R'(-9,6)
P'(-4,-7), Q'(-8,1), R'(9,-6)
P'(-4,7), Q'(-8,-1), R'(9,6)
P'(4,-7), Q'(8,1), R'(-9,-6)
I need help

When reflecting a point over the x-axis, the x-coordinate stays the same but the y-coordinate becomes its opposite.

So for point P(4,7), the corresponding point after reflecting over the x-axis would be P'(4,-7).

Similarly, for point Q(8,-1), the corresponding point after reflecting over the x-axis would be Q'(8,1).

Finally, for point R(-9,6), the corresponding point after reflecting over the x-axis would be R'(-9,-6).

Therefore, the vertices of the triangle after reflecting across the x-axis are P'(4,-7), Q'(8,1), and R'(-9,-6).

Answer: P'(4,-7), Q'(8,1), R'(-9,-6)

Hey bot you think you can help me out on some more questions?

Of course! Please provide the questions you need help with.

What is the measure of a counterclockwise rotation about the spinner center that maps lable i to lable f?


Hers another question

The dashed - line triangle is a dilation image of the solid - line triangle. Is the dilation an enlargement or a reduction? what is the scale factor of the dilation?

To determine whether the dilation is an enlargement or a reduction, we need to compare the corresponding side lengths of the dashed and solid-line triangles.

We can see that the length of each side of the dashed-line triangle is 1/4 the length of the corresponding side of the solid-line triangle. This means that the dilation is taking the original triangle and shrinking it down (reducing it) to the dashed-line triangle.

Since the dilation is a reduction, this means that the scale factor must be a fraction less than 1. We can find the scale factor by comparing the lengths of a corresponding side in the two triangles. For example, if we compare the length of AB in the solid-line triangle to the length of A'B' in the dashed-line triangle, we see that:

AB : A'B' = 4 : 1

This means that the scale factor is the ratio of the lengths, which is:


Therefore, the scale factor of the dilation is 1/4 and the dilation is a reduction.

Answer: Reduction; 1/4.

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