Suppose cheese costs $22 per kilogram. Ella buys a 75-gram piece of cheese and Ali buys a 250-gram piece of cheese.

How much more did Ali pay for his cheese?

$1.10my answer






To find out how much more Ali paid for his cheese compared to Ella, we need to calculate the cost difference between their respective cheese purchases.

First, let's find out how much Ella paid for her cheese:

Ella bought a 75-gram piece of cheese, and the cost of the cheese is $22 per kilogram.

So, we can calculate Ella's payment by converting the weight of her cheese into kilograms and then multiplying it by the cost per kilogram:

(75 grams) / (1000 grams per kilogram) * $22 = $1.65

Therefore, Ella paid $1.65 for her cheese.

Now, let's calculate how much Ali paid for his cheese:

Ali bought a 250-gram piece of cheese, and the cost of the cheese is still $22 per kilogram.

Using the same calculation method as before:

(250 grams) / (1000 grams per kilogram) * $22 = $5.50

Therefore, Ali paid $5.50 for his cheese.

To find how much more Ali paid compared to Ella, we subtract Ella's payment from Ali's payment:

$5.50 - $1.65 = $3.85

So, Ali paid $3.85 more for his cheese compared to Ella.

Therefore, the correct answer is $3.85.

yo mom?



22.00*(.250-.075) = ____