An Online Store, CarryGo, is currently giving out discount on laptops. The discount is based on the type/brand purchased which is as follows: 10% for Dell, 15% for HP, 5% for Lenovo, 25% for Acer and 1% for others. Write an algorithm and Pseudocode to prompt a user for a laptop choice and calculate the appropriate price.

To prompt a user for a laptop choice and calculate the appropriate price, you can use the following algorithm and pseudocode:

1. Prompt the user to enter the laptop brand/type.
2. Read the user's input.
3. Based on the user input, calculate the appropriate discount percentage.
4. Prompt the user to enter the original price of the laptop.
5. Read the user's input.
6. Calculate the discounted price by multiplying the original price with (1 - discount percentage).
7. Display the discounted price to the user.

1. Prompt user: "Please enter the laptop brand/type: "
2. Read user_input
3. Set discount_percentage to 0

4. if user_input is "Dell" then
Set discount_percentage to 0.10
else if user_input is "HP" then
Set discount_percentage to 0.15
else if user_input is "Lenovo" then
Set discount_percentage to 0.05
else if user_input is "Acer" then
Set discount_percentage to 0.25
Set discount_percentage to 0.01

5. Prompt user: "Please enter the original price of the laptop: "
6. Read original_price

7. Set discounted_price to original_price * (1 - discount_percentage)
8. Display "Discounted price: ", discounted_price

The above pseudocode will prompt the user for the laptop brand/type, calculate the appropriate discount percentage based on the brand/type, prompt for the original price, and then calculate and display the discounted price accordingly.