Why can’t Josh sleep before the big game in the poem “The Main Reason I Can’t Sleep”?

The first one is d in the second one is b and sorry for the last answer but I don't know what it is

In the poem "The Main Reason I Can't Sleep," Josh cannot sleep before the big game due to a variety of reasons. The specific reasons may vary depending on the interpretation of the poem. However, the common themes typically revolve around anxiety, excitement, and the pressure of performing well in the game. Here are some possible reasons why Josh can't sleep:

1. Anxiety: Josh may be feeling anxious about the game and the outcome. He might be worried about making mistakes or disappointing his teammates and coaches. These feelings of anxiety can prevent him from being able to relax and fall asleep.

2. Excitement: The anticipation and excitement of the upcoming game can also make it difficult for Josh to sleep. The poem might depict his mind racing with thoughts of the game, imagining different scenarios, and getting caught up in the adrenaline and energy associated with the event.

3. Physical Symptoms: The poem might describe how Josh experiences physical symptoms like a racing heartbeat, sweaty palms, or restlessness, which further prevent him from sleeping. These physical reactions can be a result of the anxiety and excitement he feels about the game.

4. Pressure to Perform: If the game holds significant importance or if there are high expectations placed on Josh, he might be under pressure to perform well. This pressure can create thoughts of self-doubt and fear of failure, making it challenging for him to relax and sleep.

Ultimately, the poem suggests that these reasons, combined with Josh's heightened emotions and focus on the game, contribute to his inability to sleep before the big event.

To understand why Josh can't sleep before the big game in the poem "The Main Reason I Can't Sleep," we would need to analyze the text of the poem itself.

The first step would be to obtain the poem and carefully read through it, paying attention to any details or clues that might explain why Josh can't sleep.

If you don't have access to the poem, you can try searching for it on the internet using the title and the author's name. Once you find the poem, make sure to read it attentively.

While reading the poem, look for lines or phrases that suggest why Josh is having trouble sleeping. Perhaps there are mentions of his nervousness, fear, or excitement before the big game. It could be that his mind is preoccupied with thoughts of the game, making it difficult for him to relax and sleep.

After identifying the relevant lines or passages, you can analyze them to draw conclusions about why Josh is unable to sleep. Consider the emotions and thoughts conveyed in those sections and how they relate to the big game. This analysis will help you understand the main reason behind Josh's sleeplessness.

Remember, the key to answering this question is carefully reading and analyzing the poem, paying attention to the author's words and the emotions they convey.