compare use < = > -5______9 answer all of the questions there are 14more after that and the essay ones are Note: Enter your answer and show all the steps that you use to solve this problem in the space provided.

One day at 3:00 a.m., the temperature was

in Kodiak, Alaska. At 10:00 a.m., the temperature was 22°F. What was the average change in temperature per hour?
Note: Enter your answer and show all the steps that you use to solve this problem in the space provided.

An elevator on the 10th floor goes down 9 floors. Then it goes up 19 floors, down 3, and finally down 12. What floor does it end up on? Write an equation to show how you found your answer.
Note: Enter your answer and show all the steps that you use to solve this problem in the space provided.

A mountain climber on Mt. Everest is at 29,035 ft above sea level. A stone at the bottom of the Dead Sea is at 1,349 ft below sea level. What is the difference in elevation between the mountain climber and the stone?
and finally Note: Enter your answer and show all the steps that you use to solve this problem in the space provided.

The temperature in your town is 31°F. The radio announcer says that the temperature will drop 15 degrees. What will the temperature be? Write an equation to show how you found your answer

for the last one, 31-15 = 16

what have you tried on the others?

Use Thomas Nast: Boss Tweed and the Tweed ring to answer the question.

What view does the image present about domestic politics in the late nineteenth century?
A. Political machines preyed upon the weak in rapidly urbanizing areas.
B. Political parties had become increasingly at odds, dividing the nation.
C. Political campaigns appealed to voters' emotions rater than their intellects.
D Politicians had created an environment that fostered unhealthy competition.

A. Political machines preyed upon the weak in rapidly urbanizing areas.

Use Thomas Nast: Boss Tweed and the Tweed ring to answer the question.

What view does the image present about domestic politics in the late nineteenth century? Explain
A. Political machines preyed upon the weak in rapidly urbanizing areas.
B. Political parties had become increasingly at odds, dividing the nation.
C. Political campaigns appealed to voters' emotions rater than their intellects.
D Politicians had created an environment that fostered unhealthy competition.

The view presented by the image of Thomas Nast: Boss Tweed and the Tweed ring is that political machines preyed upon the weak in rapidly urbanizing areas. The image portrays Boss Tweed and his associates as corrupt politicians who exploited their power and engaged in illegal activities such as bribery and fraud to maintain their control over the political system. The image also depicts how their corrupt practices negatively affected the poor and working-class citizens who were often their victims. This view reflects the prevalent belief in the late nineteenth century that political machines had a stranglehold on municipal governments and used their power to enrich themselves and their allies at the expense of the public. Overall, the image reveals the dark side of domestic politics of the late nineteenth century characterized by entrenched corruption and abuse of power.

Use the cartoon Open for Business by by Clifford Berryman to answer the question.

How is the the Roosevelt Corollary MOST apparent in the image? Explain
A. The image depicts how U.S. interventionism and imperialism benefited people in Latin America.
B. The image shows that U.S. stereotypes were prevalent in the Americas, despite attempts to combat such stereotypes.
C. The image demonstrates that U.S. economic policy was not always sound, particularly when it to foreign relations.
D. The image illustrates the results of the belief that the U.S. had the right to intervene in any nation in the Americas.

D. The image illustrates the results of the belief that the U.S. had the right to intervene in any nation in the Americas.

The cartoon Open for Business by Clifford Berryman depicts the United States as a giant hand holding a key, unlocking a door to a store labeled "South American Trade." This image represents the United States' stance on the Roosevelt Corollary, which extended the Monroe Doctrine by declaring that the United States had the right to intervene in any nation in the Americas to protect its interests and the interests of other Western powers. The cartoon suggests that the United States saw South America as a market for American goods and services, and that the Roosevelt Corollary allowed the United States to gain access to these markets and exert control over the region. The image illustrates the results of this belief by portraying the United States as a powerful force, unlocking the door to the South American market and preparing to seize it. Therefore, the image demonstrates the Roosevelt Corollary's assertion of the United States' right to intervene in any nation in the Americas, particularly for economic gain.

To answer these questions, we will compare values or perform calculations based on the given information. Here's how to approach each question:

1. Compare the values -5, 9 using the <, =, or > symbols:
- The < symbol means "less than," so -5 < 9 would be true.
- The = symbol means "equal to," so -5 = 9 would be false.
- The > symbol means "greater than," so -5 > 9 would be false.

Therefore, -5 is less than 9.

2. Find the average change in temperature per hour:
The problem gives us the temperature at 3:00 a.m. (-13°F) and at 10:00 a.m. (22°F). To find the average change per hour, we need to calculate the temperature difference and divide it by the number of hours (7 hours in this case):
Average change per hour = (Final temperature - Initial temperature) / Number of hours
Average change per hour = (22°F - (-13°F)) / 7 hours
Average change per hour = 35°F / 7 hours
Average change per hour = 5°F

Therefore, the average change in temperature per hour is 5°F.

3. Determine the floor the elevator ends up on:
The elevator starts on the 10th floor and goes down 9 floors, up 19 floors, down 3 floors, and finally down 12 floors. To find the final floor, we can subtract the number of upward movements from the number of downward movements:
Final floor = Initial floor - Total upward movements + Total downward movements
Final floor = 10 - 19 + 3 - 12
Final floor = -18

Therefore, the elevator ends up on the -18th floor.

4. Calculate the difference in elevation between the mountain climber and the stone:
The mountain climber is at 29,035 ft above sea level, and the stone is at 1,349 ft below sea level. To find the difference in elevation, we need to subtract the values:
Difference in elevation = Mountain climber's elevation - Stone's elevation
Difference in elevation = 29,035 ft - (-1,349 ft)
Difference in elevation = 29,035 ft + 1,349 ft
Difference in elevation = 30,384 ft

Therefore, the difference in elevation between the mountain climber and the stone is 30,384 ft.

5. Calculate the temperature after the 15-degree drop:
The initial temperature is 31°F, and it will drop 15 degrees. To find the final temperature, we can use subtraction:
Final temperature = Initial temperature - Degree drop
Final temperature = 31°F - 15°F
Final temperature = 16°F

Therefore, the temperature will be 16°F after the 15-degree drop.

Please note that the steps provided should be followed for each respective problem, and the answers are based on the given information.

the stuff ive tried has all been wrong and i gave up and asked it here
