How have the historic levels of melanin in human populations changed due to migration? (1 point)

Lesson 7: Genetic Variation Over Time Quick Check

might just end up doing the thing myself and posting the answers when im done cuz im bored but answers please!!

These are the answers for Genetic Variation Over Time Quick Check:

1. Humans that produced less melanin became more common as populations migrated away from the equator.
2. The proportion of tortoises with the ability to extend their necks a long distance would increase.
3. The environment changed such that green toads can blend into their surroundings better.
4. more long-beaked hummingbirds
5. The proportion of white-furred rabbits in the population declines.
These are all correct, trust me, 100%, your welcome :)

No they have changed questions the others are the same just the last two they changed.

# 4. Which phrase best describes selective breeding?
Process where individuals in a population have different traits
Process used to develop new organisms with desirable characteristics*
Process where organisms with traits suited to an area survive to reproduce
Process used to develop new environments for organisms

5. Farmers wanted to grow lemons that were less sour. They crossed a true lemon tree with a mandarin orange tree to develop a hybrid sweet lemon tree. What process was used to create the sweet lemon tree?

Natural selection
Selective breeding*

Can someone please check my answers. Thank you.

here are all 5 questions, could get changed later dunno

1. humans that produced less melanin become more common as populations migrated away from the equator
2. the proportion of tortoises with the ability to extend their necks a long distance would increase
3. the environment changed such that green toads can blend into their surroundings better
4. process used to develop new organisms with desirable characteristics
5. selective breeding

should be a 100%

Can anybody clarify these answers? and what is the explanation behind it? I need some help

connexus student is correct

yes connexus student is correct

those aew all wrng

OMG this con nexus STUDENT SO MUCH! 🤩🤩🤩🤩

They changed the answers! (2022 March)

1- Humans that produced less melanin became more common as populations migrated away from the equator.
2- The proportion of tortoises with the ability to extend their necks a long distance would increase.
3- The environment changed such that green toads can blend into their surroundings better.
4- process used to develop new organisms with desirable characteristics

100% have a good day! 💖

Thank you so much. I got a 100% on my quick check. Thanks to Connexus student. I really appreciate it. Connexus student is correct. 😍🤩📝📖📃😎

connexus student is still right!

Still right in 2022.

connexus student is correct



Might be wrong, but these are my answers, and I got them all right. Hope this helped. 😉o((>ω< ))o


Anonymous is wrong for the 3rd and 4th one these are the correct answers