Read this excerpt from "Birdfoot's Grampa.”

The old man
must have stopped our car
two dozen times to climb out
and gather into his hands
the small toads blinded
by our lights and leaping,
live drops of rain.
What are readers most likely to infer from the phrase "blinded by our lights”?
A. The action in the poem takes place at night.**
B. The weather makes the toads difficult to see.
C. Another car is coming around the bend.
D. Grampa is shining a lantern to see the toads.

Read this excerpt from "Birdfoot's Grampa.”

The old man
must have stopped our car
two dozen times to climb out
and gather into his hands
the small toads blinded
by our lights and leaping,
live drops of rain.
What are readers most likely to infer from the phrase "leaping, live drops of rain”?
A. The toads are all hurt.
B. The toads are still alive.**
C. The toads are in shock.
D. The toads are not moving.

Which best states a theme of "Birdfoot's Grampa”?
A. Look before you leap.
B. Technology helps nature.
C. Respect one’s elders.
D. With age comes wisdom.**

Which is a text clue that helps readers understand the theme of age bringing wisdom in "Birdfoot's Grampa”?
A. Grampa stops the car many times and gets out.
B. Grampa walks into the grass to release the toads.
C. Grampa just smiles when Birdfoot argues with him.**
D. Birdfoot notices the rain around his grandfather’s head.

Read this excerpt from "Birdfoot's Grampa.”

But, leathery hands full
of wet brown life,
knee deep in the summer
roadside grass,
he just smiled and said
they have places to go to
What is the "wet brown life” in this excerpt?
A. the grass
B. the toads**
C. the mud
D. the rain

Read the excerpt from "Birdfoot's Grampa.”

The old man
must have stopped our car
two dozen times to climb out
and gather into his hands
the small toads blinded
by our lights and leaping,
live drops of rain.
Which type of figurative language is "leaping, live drops of rain”?
A. hyperbole
B. metaphor**
C. personification
D. simile

CMW pleaseeeeee


cutting my wrists?

Geez, the answers are

1) A The action in the poem takes place at night
2) A must have stopped our car
3) D With age comes wisdom
4) C All living things have value and should be helped.
5) B the toads
6) B metaphor

Hope these help, cause I legit had to FAIL THE TEST FOR THEM!!!

These where my answers so if wrong im sorry.


I think there different for everyone idk.


The answers are:

Ara is right, Luck answers only has one question wrong and that is number 2.

Luck answers is RIGHT!