Julia is doing research about a new technology in another country. She wants to make sure she has the most current information possible. Which type of source should she use?

A: A Newspaper Article

Joe is doing a project on his hometown, and he wants his classmates to be able to see where he grew up in relation to other landmarks in the town. Which type of source should he use?
A: A Map

Why is it important to compare and contrast information in different forms?
A: It helps you to gather more thorough information.

It is important for a final presentation to be _____. Select the two correct answers.
A: Unbiased, Concise
No one else posted about this so here's the answers

Ty puro ! 🀍

Ty puro! ( β€’Μ€ Ο‰ ‒́ )


100% correct enjoy

1: a newspaper article
2: a map
3:It helps you to gather more thorough information on your topic.
4: concise,unbiased

TYSM! You saved my grades!

thz sooooo much i was so stuck on this quiz!!!!!! πŸ˜πŸ˜…

thxs ur a goat dude :)

thxs dude hi hello hahahahh

100% for conexus Different Forms: Informative Quick Check