Which forms of the verb 'send' are used in the sentences?

To identify the forms of the verb "send" used in sentences, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the different forms of the verb "send." These include:
- Base form: send
- Past tense: sent
- Continuous/progressive form: sending
- Present participle/gerund: sending

2. Look for sentences containing the verb "send."

3. Analyze each sentence and identify the form of "send" being used. Here are some examples of each form in sentences:

- Base form:
- "I will send the email tomorrow."
- "Please send me the report."

- Past tense:
- "He sent me a letter last week."
- "They sent the package yesterday."

- Continuous/progressive form:
- "She is sending a thank-you note."
- "They were sending out invitations all day."

- Present participle/gerund:
- "Sending text messages has become commonplace."
- "He enjoys sending postcards from his travels."

By identifying the particular sentences where the verb "send" appears and then considering the tense or form being used, you can determine which forms of the verb are present in those sentences.

To determine the forms of the verb "send" used in sentences, we need specific sentences to analyze. Please provide a sentence or multiple sentences that contain the verb "send" so that I can assist you step-by-step.