Illustration of a moody conference room with a large, round table, scattered with stacks of documents, charts, and several coffee cups. There are chairs all around the table, each with different shapes and sizes to symbolize a variety of opinions and interests. The room overlooking a symbolic city landscape through a large glass window, to highlight the magnitude of responsibility and decision-making involved in a politician's life.

Of the following statements, which ones most accurately represent priorities for Governor Clinton? Im just confused with this


1: B C
2: A
3: A D

1: B C

2: A
3: A D
Is verry correct Just took the assesment on 4/13/2021 on lesson 3.7.8 - Quick Check: Modern Arkansas

im no lier im a truther

Shadow Girl is right.

shadow girl is right

1. Clinton introduced legislation to improve teacher training.

Correct & Clinton gained support for funding highway infrastructure programs.

2. He created a state medical insurance plan for children and families.

3. The food processing industry transformed the poultry business & The banking industry experienced significant growth.

Oh thanks @ShadowGirl I got a 3/3 glad you was right cause I wasn't able to read the passage. 👀

shadow and i test are right

ty shadow girl %100

Indeed correct @Shadow girl

oh my god @Shadow Girl is right!

Girl I thought you needed help but somehow you knew all the answers-