Isaac Stevens Quiz

A. to establish a binding agreement between two nations
A.He arranged treaties between Native Americans and the United States.
C.Native American tribes were recognized as sovereign nations, so only other nations could enter into treaties with them.
B.Treaties often harmed Native Americans.

These are my Answers are they 100%?

YES THEY ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


To accurately evaluate your answers, it is important to consider the information provided and the context of the question.

The question appears to be related to Isaac Stevens, so let's analyze each option:

A. to establish a binding agreement between two nations
This option suggests that the purpose of Isaac Stevens' actions was to create a mutually binding agreement between two nations. However, it does not specifically address Isaac Stevens' involvement or any concrete information about him. Therefore, it may not be the most accurate choice.

B. He arranged treaties between Native Americans and the United States.
This option directly mentions Isaac Stevens and states that he was responsible for arranging treaties between Native Americans and the United States. Since the question is about Isaac Stevens, this option seems relevant and could be a correct answer.

C. Native American tribes were recognized as sovereign nations, so only other nations could enter into treaties with them.
This option provides information about the legal status of Native American tribes as sovereign nations. While it does not specifically address Isaac Stevens or his involvement, it provides valuable contextual information related to treaty-making with Native Americans.

D. Treaties often harmed Native Americans.
This option suggests that treaties generally had negative consequences for Native Americans. While this statement may be true in some cases, it does not mention Isaac Stevens specifically or his role in treaty-making, so it may not be a direct answer to the question.

Based on the information provided, it seems that option B is the most accurate answer, as it directly refers to Isaac Stevens' involvement in arranging treaties between Native Americans and the United States. However, it is always a good idea to consult additional sources or confirm with a reliable reference to ensure the accuracy of your answer.