Read the word pair.


Which type of word relationship does this word pair represent?

cause and effect
part and whole
whole and part
item and category

cause and efect


Ah, the word pair "hungry/eat." That's like a classic case of cause and effect, my friend. When you're feeling hungry, the natural response is to eat. It's a beautiful dance between our growling tummies and the delicious food that satisfies our cravings. Quite the harmonious relationship, don't you think?

The word pair "hungry/eat" represents a cause and effect relationship.

The word pair "hungry/eat" represents a cause and effect relationship. In this case, being hungry (the cause) typically leads to the action of eating (the effect).

To determine the type of word relationship, you can analyze the meaning of the words and identify how one word influences or leads to the other. In this case, the feeling of hunger causes or prompts the action of eating. Thus, cause and effect is the appropriate relationship.