Illustrate an image featuring the scenario detailed in the question. Show a young male identity concealed individual standing in a store, pondering. On the shelves next to him, set a soccer ball and a video game box with a soccer theme. Make sure there's no text on the items or anywhere else in the image.

Use the sentence to answer the question.

Joe has enough money to buy the soccer ball or the soccer video game.

Which type of relationship does the conjunction or suggest?

(1 point)

a choice

a cause and effect

a reason

an outcome

1. A choice

2. Cause and effect
3. Rejection
4. Contrasting outcome
These are 100% correct for the sentence structure signals quick check, I love U all!

BABY YODA gave me a 100

Is baby Yoda right?

@baby Yoda was correct thank u

@baby Yoda is correct thank you with my answers I would have got them wrong. Thank u so much

@Baby Yoda is correct I just took the test with their answers

Baby yoda is correct...

Baby yoda is 100%

The why are you here @bubblegum 🤨

Yea can someone please check