Which sense-related words could be used describe a stadium during a baseball game?

A.blinding and thunderous.

B. hard and echoing. ***

C. squeaky and freezing.

D. smoky and rattling.

no its blinding and thunderous

u can trust me

I got it wrong its blinding and thunderous

I still passed the quiz! Somehow-


Im not sure i had to find my dog then i got logged out then it said grading so i have to wait for my teacher to grade it then i can see if i did or not

My dog went to the park bc there is a park right behind my house so i had to find her.

Im probably going to get the results tomorrow so i will let ya know when i get them back

if it's right, congrats!!

How did you get a 60-

Wow. Its been a while!!! I posted this in march, its already December!!!!!!!!!!!!! & merry cristmas!

her are the answers childs

1. a
3. b
5. b
6. d
7. c
8. short story and a epic poem
9. b in your first draft
10. c

:)) i hwope this helps yall bwoss

I think it is b bc stadiums are loud

yea, it's probably B.

Waiting on results (i got a 60 so far teacher has to grade last 2 questions)

You didn't get that question wrong right?

And if its right

Answer is blinding and thunderous

Btw @Ellie Johnson I recommend changing ur name to something else thats NOT your real name bc the teachers can catch u if u use ur real name

Thanks @Tiko!!!

oh and my name is nonyabeeswax, but it got removed and i didnt notice until now :D

um doesnt anybody notice tat tiko only put letters and that they changes the wway they are placed?

ill put the right answers if i can

btw im meh name is jeff in disguise πŸ±β€πŸ‘€πŸ‘β€πŸ—¨

Y’all helpless

Can someone tell me the answer I want to check my work before I submit I have bad grades??!?