Out of 230 fruits sold, 3/10 were apples and 1/3 of these were green apples. How many apples were sold? How many green apples were sold? How many other fruits were sold?​

Of the 230 fruits, 3/10 were apples,

so (3/10)(230) or 69 were apples

now 1/3 of those apples were green apples, so green = ????

If 69 of the 230 fruit were apples, how many were "non-apples" ?


Go offish good

To find the number of apples sold, we can multiply the total number of fruits by the fraction representing the proportion of apples.

Step 1: Multiply 230 (total fruits) by 3/10 (proportion of apples).
Result: (230) * (3/10) = 69

Hence, 69 apples were sold.

To find the number of green apples sold, we can multiply the number of apples by the fraction representing the proportion of green apples.

Step 2: Multiply 69 (number of apples) by 1/3 (proportion of green apples).
Result: (69) * (1/3) = 23

So, 23 green apples were sold.

To find the number of other fruits sold, we can subtract the number of apples from the total number of fruits.

Step 3: Subtract 69 (number of apples) from 230 (total fruits).
Result: 230 - 69 = 161

Therefore, 161 other fruits were sold.