unit 3 Lesson 7: Graphing Quantitative Relationships Unit Test

NEED HELP NOW PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WHO HAS ALL THE ANSWERS TO UNIT 3 Lesson 7: Graphing Quantitative Relationships Unit Test?

A) Think about what 71 words per minute means. It's a rate. For every minute, you will have typed 71 words. So to say how many minutes it will take you to type 71 words, you can say that the total number of words divided by the rate will give you the time. So you have T=W/71 where T is the total amount of time and W is a given total amount of words.

B) If we use our equation, we have T=2556/71=36, so it will take Jerry 36 minutes to type 2556 words at a rate of 71 WPM.

C) Again, using our equation, we have 20=W/71 which when we multiply by 71 on both sides, we'll get 1420=W, so Jerry would've typed 1420 words in 20 minutes if he typed at a rate of 71 WPM.

Hopefully, this helped you understand slopes and rates better.

If you will post a question with attempted work, I would be happy to help you.


NP! Happy to help! Would you like me to help you with anything else?

Jerry types 71 words per minute.

a.Write an equation to determine the amount of time it would take to type a given number of words. Define your variables.
b.How long would it take Jerry to type 2556 words?
c.If Jerry typed for 20 minutes, how many words did he type?

thx so much

yes please

Ok, post your question and I'll help you out with it

I can answer other questions though that don't require a picture

A) The dependent variable is the effect that occurs from the cause (independent variable). In this case, since y=kx means y varies directly with x by a factor of k, then t=3.5n means t varies directly with n by a factor of 3.5, making t the dependent variable

B) The independent variable is the cause that impacts the effect. So n would be your independent variable because it's not impacted unless you impact it which in turn will impact the effect.

C) In terms of quantity, we already said t is the dependent variable, so the total money made would be the dependent quantity because "depending" on how many coffees you sell, the value changes.

D) This time it's n, the amount of coffees you sell. This will impact how much total money you will make.