The language mostly responsible for the transition from Old English to Middle English was –


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The language mostly responsible for the transition from Old English to Middle English was French.

The language mostly responsible for the transition from Old English to Middle English was French.

To arrive at this answer, we can examine the historical context of England during that time. In the 11th century, England was conquered by the Normans, who spoke a variety of Old French known as Anglo-Norman. As a result, French became the language of the ruling elite and the court, leading to its influence on the English language.

During the transition from Old English to Middle English (from approximately the 11th to the 14th century), Old English gradually evolved through contact with Norman French. This influence is known as the Norman Conquest, and it significantly impacted English vocabulary and grammar. Many French loanwords entered the English language during this period, and English syntax also became more similar to that of French.

Therefore, French was the language that played a vital role in the transition from Old English to Middle English.

I would bet on Anglo-Saxon.