read the paragraph

Audrey and I will meet at the restaurant before we go to the concert. After eating ________ will go to the concert hall which is ________ the arts building

what 2 parts of the speech will complete the sentence

A. Pronoun, preposition
B. preposition, preposition
C. Pronoun interjection
D.Preposition conjunction

we ... behind

To determine the two parts of speech that will complete the sentence, let's first analyze the sentence structure.

The sentence is: "After eating [blank] will go to the concert hall which is [blank] the arts building."

In this sentence, we need to find a pronoun to complete the first blank and a preposition to complete the second blank.

Looking at the options provided:

A. Pronoun, preposition
B. Preposition, preposition
C. Pronoun, interjection
D. Preposition, conjunction

From the options, Option A - Pronoun, preposition - seems to be the correct choice. This is because the first blank needs a pronoun (referring to Audrey and the speaker) to indicate who will go to the concert hall. The second blank needs a preposition to show the relationship between the concert hall and the arts building.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. Pronoun, preposition.