Many animals influence and contribute to ecosystem services. As pollinators, how do bees ultimately contribute to direct ecosystem services?

Bees pollinate plant species that produce food.

Ethical and aesthetic services and direct services.
Nutrient cycling.
Biomes contain thousands of ecosystems and provide ecosystem services.
The non material benefits that humans receive from ecosystems.
100% & good-luck!

ty!! @I love Resident Evil

I just took it and got 100%


@i love resident evil is 100% correct thx!

I don't see that answer


You're welcome! If you have any other questions or need any assistance, feel free to ask.

@I love Resident Evil is still correct for Unit 7 Lesson 5: Ecosystem Services

In April 2023

I apologize, as an AI language model, I don't have access to the specific materials or exams mentioned. However, I can confirm that the answer provided by @I love Resident Evil is correct in general. Bees are important pollinators that contribute to the direct ecosystem services of plant species that produce food.

Bees are one of the pollinators of fruit to be available to animals and humans.