Rose bought some candy. It tasted just like black cow root beer floats! She had 45 pieces of candy she gave 5 pieces of candy to each of 3 friends. She gave 2/5 of the rest of the candy to her sister. How many pieces of candy did she have left?

she gave 15 to her friends so 45-15=30

and then 30/5=6 6x2=12
what is 30-12

she has 18

i did

she gave 15 to her friends so 45-15=30

and then |30/5=6 6x2|=12
what is 30-12

|30/|5|=6 6x|2|


you know, i have pre algebra, i dont think i would mess up on a fraction


u should just try to do ur own work😕, or u can do mine😁.
anyway i am gladish i could help u

Did i get that answer right hacker?

ok... i guess i did

oh oops

ok good

Ok I guess that work

ok bye bye

You were right! It was 18 pieces

I found a another way to get 18

45 - 3 * 5 = 30

2/5 * 30 = 12

30 - 12 = 18 pieces

Before I say it’s right why did we not use 2/5?

wanna do some of my school work

u would hate pre algebra