A vibrant and eye-catching image that relates to the concept of semiotics, focusing on the interpretation of words. The image includes four distinct sections, one for each term: 'literal', 'metaphorical', 'connotative', and 'comparative'. Each section is visualised abstractly rather than concretely. The 'literal' section showcases a straightforward depiction such a key opening a lock. The 'metaphorical' area demonstrates a less direct symbolism, such as a storm representing chaos. The 'connotative' section involves emotive symbols, like a heart for love, and the 'comparative' segment displays scales for measurement. Ensure the image includes no text.

The exact definition of a word is its ________ meaning.(1 point)





1. Literal

2. Simile
3. The sunset was a masterpiece of brilliant oranges, pinks, and purples
4. provide readers with a feeling

Connotative Meaning Quick Check

Here are the other answers If 'your welcome's' answers don't work:

1. Literal
2. provide readers with a feeling
3. feelings associated with a word
4. neutral
100% Correct I promise cross my heart!

@your welcome is 100% right thank u!!


Scarlett dragon is correct

The answers are:

1. Literal
2. Simile
3.The sunset was a masterpiece of brilliant oranges, pinks, and purples
4. Provide readers with a feeling
here you go! :3

bug i got different questions than you did

@Lunasmealody just copied the answers


1: literal
2: provide readers feeling
3: the feelings associated with a word
I hope this helps for some people

@TheScarlettDragon is correct! 4/4

he is correct/u u

The exact definition of a word is its ________ meaning.





2: Use the sentence to answer the question.

The pond was so still that it looked like a silvery mirror under the moonlit sky.

Which type of figurative language is used in this sentence?

(1 point)





Which sentence contains a metaphor?(1 point)

I was so hungry that I could have eaten ten thousand hamburgers.

(The sunset was a masterpiece of brilliant oranges, pinks, and purples.)

Connie walked her dog along the tree-lined street.

Milo was as fast as a cheetah when he ran the race at school.
An author uses connotative meanings to ______________.(1 point)

give readers definitions of unknown words.

(provide readers with a feeling.)

allow readers to compare characters.

teach readers about a different language.

^ correct

If you donโ€™t know what the answers are here you are :)


B.provide readers with a feeling.

D.the feelings associated with a word

B. Neutral

Remember this is connections academy connotative meaning QuicK check ๐Ÿ’ฏ %

i hate u hi

@help plz put it as math..I- no im going back to bed

tysm @UwU and @TheScarlettdragon and @Lunasmealody but I still put the answers just in case bye and hope this helps

1: literal
2: provide readers feeling
3: the feelings associated with a word
This should get you a hundred but it his does not do not put hateful comment because it works for some people not all .love everyone peace not hate bye.

connexus boi is 100% right!!

he is right


Hi missed half you IDIOT


@Your Welcome is 100%! (3/14/2023)

A special thanks to this fan-made letter! Thank you... "You're Welcome?" Interesting.

Wich one to trust

Your welcome is correct

Answers are:

A - Literal
B - Simile
D - The sunset was a masterpeice-
B - Provide readers with a feeling

This is for connexus 2023 quick check!

ty Lunahsmealody i thought i would have no luck lol

These answers are correct.

