Lesson 13 unit 7 ela 6B quick check: 1. If a student were going to write about their favorite food they would want to include sensory language that focuses on....

A. Sight and sound
B. Taste and smell
C. Sound and touch
D. Touch and sight

Pls help. I will do the assignment and give all of you guys reading this the awnsers!

Those are wrong trust me I did those answers the correct answers are

1.taste and smell

2. They allow the reader to feel as if he or she is in the story

3. Touch

4.to provide greater detail to a narrative, to make the writing more interesting and vivid

100% right bye 👋🏻

Helps people is 100% correct don't trust ham

“Helps People” is correct 100%

1:taste and smell

2:They allow the reader to feel as if he or she is in the story
4:to provide greater detail to a narrative and to make the writing more interesting and vivid
I did the quick check here's the answers
Your welcome =_=

thanks helps!!!!!!

B.! I'm sure of this answer!

Don't trust the ham

"U gave me PTSD" Is 100%

guys the letters switch up for each different student. thats why @Helps people was right. SO STOP RAGING AND JUST USE THE WORD ANSWERS ;-;

Thanks for the answers Helps People.