Invasive Species Quick Check

1 of 5Items
Item 1
Coral and algae demonstrate mutualism, a symbiotic relationship where both organisms benefit. Select the option that is also an example of a mutualistic symbiotic relationship.(1 point)

Remoras hitchhike on large fish and sharks, eating dead skin and parasites off the larger animals.

Wasps lay eggs on tomato horn worms to develop. When the larvae hatch, they feed on the horn worms.

Cattle egrets follow livestock herds. As the livestock walk, they stir up insects in the grass, and the cattle egrets feed on the insects.

Clownfish live inside anemones, protected from predators by the anemones' stinging tentacles.

Seriously? IDIOTS. 1, Remoras hitchhike on large fish and sharks, eating dead skin and parasites off the larger animals. 2, It does harm and is introduced to the ecosystem. 3, increased temperatures 4, hunting or culling by humans 5,Invasive species can do intense damage, so much so that ecosystems may not be able to recover. Thanks for the help. -.-

I had different answers so here they are:

1.) It does harm and is introduced to the ecosystem.
2.) It grows rapidly, robbing other plants of sunlight.
3.) Decreasing water temperature.
4.) Invasive species can do intense damage, so much so that ecosystems may not be able to recover.

Hope this helps! <3

thank you so much baby yoda 100% correct

i live a sad life

The answers on 3 and 4 changed for me, the answers r now:

1, Remoras hitchhike on large fish and sharks, eating dead skin and parasites off the larger animals.
2, It does harm and is introduced to the ecosystem.
3, it protects against wind erosion.
4, decreasing water temperature.
5,Invasive species can do intense damage, so much so that ecosystems may not be able to recover.

good day!!! <33

baby yoda is correct

Baby Yoda is correct and also thanks for the written answers instead of the abcd thing. It takes a while but is useful in the end.

Omg someone please help I’m so behind on this lesson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Answers please!!!!

baby yoda is correct

hi ya'll are the best

hi lolbit

i can like your vids i have a yt to

helpful, is correct thank you i got 100%😄

i have helped so many people but i never get anything for it not even likes on my yt nor on jiskha

sus that might be the same person with different names

nvm he is right


the water queen is correct for the answers for connexus

Water Queen 100
