Two stores carry a similar stereo for the same original price and $573. Store A offers a 25% discount and the Store B sells the stereo for $446.94. Which store gives the bigger percent discount? justify you answer by determining the sale price for each store.

$573 * .75 = ?

Compare ? to $446.94

To determine which store gives the bigger percentage discount, we need to find the sale price for each store.

Let's start with Store A. Store A offers a 25% discount. To find the sale price, we need to subtract the discount from the original price:

Discount = 25% of original price
Discount = 25/100 * $573
Discount = $143.25

Sale price at Store A = Original price - Discount
Sale price at Store A = $573 - $143.25
Sale price at Store A = $429.75

Now let's move on to Store B. The stereo is sold for $446.94 at Store B.

Comparing the sale prices:
- Store A sells the stereo for $429.75.
- Store B sells the stereo for $446.94.

Store A has a lower sale price, indicating a larger discount. Therefore, Store A offers the bigger percentage discount.

To determine which store gives the bigger percent discount, we need to calculate the sale price for each store.

Let's start with Store A, which offers a 25% discount on the original price of $573. To find the discounted price, we can multiply the original price by the discount rate:

Discounted price at Store A = Original price - (Discount rate * Original price)

Discounted price at Store A = $573 - (0.25 * $573)
= $573 - $143.25
= $429.75

So, the sale price at Store A is $429.75.

Now, let's look at Store B, which sells the stereo for $446.94.

Comparing the sale prices, we can see that Store A gives the bigger discount of $429.75 compared to Store B's price of $446.94.

To determine the percent discount, we can calculate it using the formula:

Percent discount = ((Original price - Sale price) / Original price) * 100

Percent discount at Store A = (($573 - $429.75) / $573) * 100
= ($143.25 / $573) * 100
= 0.25 * 100
= 25%

Percent discount at Store B = (($573 - $446.94) / $573) * 100
= ($126.06 / $573) * 100
= 0.2197 * 100
= 21.97%

Therefore, Store A gives a bigger percent discount of 25% compared to Store B's discount of 21.97%.