A versatile image to complement the concept of pacing in stories. Depict a scene that suggests pacing in a narrative, without any text included. Show four symbolic scenes in segregated sections: a dramatic spotlight on an open storytelling book, illustrating the main idea affecting the reader; a vibrant and captivating quill pen dancing over a page, representing how the writer can make the narrative interesting; an hourglass with sand trickling at different speeds, indicating the pace of action; and lastly, a mirror reflecting the image of the prominent character, expressing the development of thoughts and feelings.

What is pacing? (1 point)

a how the main idea of the narrative affects the reader

b how interesting the writer can make the narrative for the reader

c how fast or slow the action in a narrative takes place

d how the writer develops the thoughts and feelings of the main character

The CORRECT answers are

1.How fast or slow the action in a narrative takes place
4.Add more details


developing narratives quick check answers

1. the speed at which a story moves
2. details that bring a scene to life
3. a self-examination by the narrator

Todoroki's soba is 100% correct for the pacing quick check in Conexus.

1. how fast a story moves

2. [short] [long]
3. Write detailed descriptions.
4. Leah jumped. "A kitten!" she exclaimed.
100% right please trust

1- Q- What is pacing?

A- how fast or slow the action in a narrative takes place.
2- Q- What is the term for pieces of information or facts that the writer wants the reader to know?
A- details.

3- Q- What kind of detail shows a character's innermost thoughts?
A- introspection.

4- Q- What is one way a writer can slow down the pacing of a story?
A- add more details.

I am 100% right!!

i have 3 questions..

If you're from connexus, there is only 4 questions.

1. how fast or slow the action in a narrative takes place
2. details
3. introspection
4. add more details
Yw <33

plsssss help

Its correct

thank you!

Thx Todoroki soba! Mha if u dont know :)


Love your name todorokis soba also hes correct 100%

dewey is %100 correct

thx soooo much i got a hundred! šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ

If you need the answers for Developing Narratives Quick Check LA the here they are ^^ 1. the speed at which a story moves

2. details that bring a scene to life
3. a self-examination by the narrator I hope that helped ^o^ šŸ–¤

Number 4

Gavin knew it was a lost cause. He thought to himself, "I will never be able to remember the words to my speech."
i must have had a different question on that test but i got 4/5

thank you "no duh" and "Todoroki's soba"! your both 100%!

Todoroki's soba is correct

oak grove


Thz bro you are awesome 100% people yeah

dewey is correct :)

I don't know why people have school cuz we're not going to use it in real life, yeah we might have to use math in some situations, but do we need to learn all of these other things that would not mean anything in the future? I'm confused... I'm just a high school Kid and My dad is a pro hero, and he wants me to surpass all and might be the best hero that ever lived, I don't like my old man, In fact, I hate him, the only friends I have are Midoria, Bakugo, And probably Momo. But there is something I do know. Bakugo hates Midoria and actually told him the take a swan dive off the building. But later in the years (season six) they became friends and actually hugged. I know all of this because I was recorded by random people and they drew me and made a show. Does that sound wrong? No? ok, well if you still did not know. The Names Shoto Todoroki, My quirk is half cold Half hot, I can freeze with my left arm, And create fire from my right side, I hope you all learned something. about me... (In the back round...) DIE DEKUUU

Byeeee ~ The Names Shoto TodorokišŸ„·~

I have 5 questions

Ty sus is 100% correct

1.C how fast a story moves

2.A fast-paced story will have more SHORT, and a story with a slow pace will have more LONG.
3.B Write detailed descriptions.
4.D Leah jumped. "A kitten!" she exclaimed.



but I am still right!!!!!

GUYS don't blame the people who put letters the quick checks mix up the answers for everybody they don't be in the same place so pls don't blame them also Conexus teachers have found this site so be careful.

1. the speed at which a story moves

2. details that bring a scene to life
3. a self-examination by the narrator
100% credit goes to dewey

-pops up- ITS ME TOGA~!

1. the speed at which a story moves

2. details that bring a scene to life
3. a self-examination by the narrator
100% i got 3/3
trust me :)

What did you do? lol

everyone here except Random KCA Kid are right.

thnx i already took the test




But for non- accelerated and 6th grade students they are right.

JohnB 10000000%conexxis


lol but thx





Is right


dewey is correct

How r yall? btw 'Todoroki's Soba' is a 100% however, they removed question 5. But Thank u!!

all my answers were right except for the last question

Answers for the Language Arts Pacing Quick Check 2023

1. How fast or slow the action in a narrative takes place
2. Details
3. Introspection
4. Add more details

Please use these to check your answers! I'm not trying to be mean :)

Ur very welcome! (^w^)

-Eevee :)

AND also for the person who said there are only 3 idk if there in conexus the conexus one only has 4 so yuh

Hewo i checked out your channel its SOOOO FUNNYYYYYY

I'm confused

@Todoroki's soba mha is bad because of the shipping and stuff like that if they were not there it would be better

ĀæPor quĆ© Dewey es la Ćŗnica persona que lo entiende? Ɖl / ella puso la respuesta completa, no solo la opciĆ³n de respuesta. AsĆ­ que gracias Dewy eres increĆ­ble!!!!

I dislike answers

@John B.'s answers are for non- accelerated students and are for GACA no other school in connections academy.

Dear Jiskha, I know you review this but please unban me from Posting I know what I did was wrong and I would like to ask for another chance..

if you can do that thank u

Hey! Everyone you should check out my YouTube channel! Google milk-based soup! it's funny and entertaining. But don't put YouTube just google what I said it pops up. Milk-Based soup is the name of the channel btw

Language arts B unit 8 lesson 5


You can run at a particular pace. That should lead you to the answer.

1. D

2. A
3. D
4. A
Trust me pls its right i hate ELA

I just took the test, you can trust me :)