Create an abstract image illustrating the idea of literary analysis. The design should be clean and aesthetic. Present four distinctive symbols to depict (1) reader's feelings, (2) the writer's attitude, (3) the complexity of words meaning, and (4) the subtleties in interpreting language. Please do not incorporate any text into the image.

Which of the following terms describes the way a reader feels?


Which of the following terms describes the writer’s attitude toward his or her subject?

What is it called when words have multiple meanings or shades of meaning?
What do you have to pay attention to when it comes to the nuances of words as a reader
the definitions
the context
the metaphors
the audience


2: tone
3: nuances
4: the context


the context

Okay so for me (Idk about you guys) but I only have 4 questions and this is what's right FOR me

1.Which of the following terms describes the way a reader feels?
Answer: Mood

Which of the following terms describes the writer’s attitude toward his or her subject?
Answer: Tone

What is it called when words have multiple meanings or shades of meaning?
Answer: Nuances

What do you have to pay attention to when it comes to the nuances of words as a reader?
Answer: The context

Like I said for me this is 100% for me Idk about you but I hope it helps(*^▽^*)

Have a wondaful day ( •̀ ω •́ )✧

and mine only has four questions can someone help

the person above me is correct for now

2023 update for Language Arts 6B

1. Mood
2. Tone
3. Nuances
4. The context

Please use these to check your answers instead of taking advantage of them. The teachers do know about these sites and if they catch you, then you with get in big trouble. I'm not trying to be rude. Just trying to give yall some advice so you aren't cheating. Who knows you might decide to be an author when you grow up, but you can't because you didn't study when you were younger. My point is, to use these answers to check your work. God has big plans for yall! Don't go and mess that up ;)

Have an amazing day! <3

- Eevee :)

So idk about other people but I used @Hi! for the answers and it gave me a 100# percent so yall can use hers but I am still gonna put the answers down below just in case that I got and for the ones that have different questions

1) mood
2) tone
3) nuances
4) the context
that is mine now for the ones that have different
1. Tone
2. Tense
3. Mood
4. Terrified
5. Dylan threw his shoes under the bed
There it is and do not put hateful comments just move on.

1. Positive

2. Tone
3. Tense
4. Mood
5. Terrified

These are correct for Connections Quick Check.

please help me

her let me answer you let me get the qustions

@thx and @st patrick how did half of your answers not even come up

yeah dude give the fulll on awnsers

the answers are 1:mood

2: tone
3: nuances
4: the context

1. Tone

2. Tense
3. Mood
4. Terrified
5. Dylan threw his shoes under the bed

@Smokey_thecreator is correct

1 mood

2 tone

3 nuances

4 the context
These are my answers for word choice quick check.

Your Literature helper has returned~!

These are the answers for Connexus 2023 Quick Check in LA:) I recommend you answer on your own first then come back to me and see how much you got right!

1. Positive
2. Tone
3. Tense
4. Mood
5. Terrified

Oki doki! Those are all of the answers! Until we meet again~!

@thx and @st patrick thank yall for the 100

mine too...

dang so this is just a wast of my time ppl r just playing around thats so sad .

St patrick and thx are actually 100% for me!! you all lie sooo trust @St patrick and @Thx for the answers promise you

90% of the answers right there arent even on my test

question number 2 mood is not a answer

oak grove


yeah no

tf is su tart i know it's a roblox thing but what is it

also this is the dumbest thread i've ever seen, this thread is for Connexus 6B Word Choice Quick Check.

Bro this is not art why is they talking bout art This is LANGUAGE arts

1- The following term to describe the way a reader feels- MOOD

2- describes a writers attitude towards his subject- TONE
3- shades of meaning- Nuances
4- Pay attention to THE CONTEXT when it comes to nuances.

i have 5 questions for the Word choice quick check

Tysm @itZ mE MaRiO for your support this is a shout out

yall talking bout some test? first of all, do your own test and these people who give the answers to this QUICK CHECK for Connexus are correct. If the question people put out there does not show up for your quick check that's not their fault.

Maybe, that's the universe telling you to learn.

no hate.

someone reply

ima give the answers when i do it

@thx is correct and @St Patrick is correct.

I'm not lying.


And first of all theres only 4 answer i don't know were the other 2 came from but theres only 4 so the people who say there are 6 lying but everybody lying anyways

The answers for connexus are:

1. tone
2. Dylan threw his shoes under the bed
3. mood
4. naunces
5. the context
100% correct trust me!

Ok everyone this is answers for Art Unit 6 Lesson 4 Connexus Academy.

1. Mood
2. Tone
3. Simile
4. Personification
5. Words or phrases used more than once
6. The repetition of the same sound at the end of words

Have a good day every and hope u get 6/6 on the test!! :)

No help 🙄

Trust me this is 100% for the word choice quick check on connexus

5)Dylan threw his shoes under the bed
trust me you'll get a 100%

1. tone

2. mood
3. nuances
4. the context

so this is what I got and the questions where WAY different from Addison so this is what I got

1) tone
2) tense
3) mood
4) terrified
5) Dylan threw his shoes under the bed

guys thumbs down this if it is wrong but I got 100% off this

We do not do your homework for you. Although it might take more effort to do the work on your own, you will profit more from your effort. We will be happy to evaluate your work though.

What are your choices?