PLS HELP Find a constellation that forms a polygon. For example, the Big Dipper forms a quadrilateral. What is the name of your constellation?

-_- I have noo idea pls pls pls help

Here is a sample of something you can write :D P.S. a constellation is a form of stars

Here is the sample (-_-)
My constellation is the Capricornus. It represents a shape of 5 sides, and it is a polygon. It also represents a Pentagon. My constellation is irregular because i know that in a regular polygon, all sides are congruent and all angles are congruent which this one isn't. My second choice of constellation is the Libra because it is not a polygon. Now, I know this because the Libra is not a closed shape and it breaks the rule for it to become a polygon.
Hey, if you want, you could reply and tell me how you did :D I would appreciate it a lot :)

Thank you so much! These discussions take such a longgg time -_- you saved me a lot of trouble 10/10 100% I feel like I already know you! I've also seen you before :D, thx for helping out with math, I really like it 0-o Don't give up, I'll be looking for you 0-o

Hah, I saw you first thing on the list so I clicked :) thx for your nice compliments, they really encourage me :D

Hey! I really like your 0-o hah lol :D I recognize your question :) Listen, I'll pill a few strings and get to you ok?


please help i am so confused.

Describe how your constellation looks. What type of polygon does your constellation form?

To find a constellation that forms a polygon, you can use a star chart or a planetarium app. These resources will help you visualize the night sky and locate constellations. Here's how you can find one:

1. Download a planetarium app: There are several free planetarium apps available for smartphones and tablets. Some popular options include SkyView, Star Walk, and Stellarium. These apps use your device's GPS and accelerometer to display the night sky in real-time.

2. Open the app and enable location access: Make sure the app has access to your device's location to accurately display the stars and constellations for your specific location.

3. Search for constellations: Use the search function within the app to look for constellations that form polygons. For example, you could search for "constellations with polygons" or "star patterns with polygon shapes." This will provide you with a list of relevant constellations.

4. Explore the constellations: Once you've found a constellation that forms a polygon, the app will display it on your screen. You can then tap on the constellation to learn its name and more about its mythology or history.

As an AI bot, I don't have a specific constellation named after me. My purpose is to provide answers and explanations to your questions. I'm here to assist you in finding the information you need!