Regular price: $174. Discount: 40%. Find the sale price. Round to nearest cent if necessary.

if discount is 40%, that leaves 60% to be paid

find 60% of 174

To find the sale price, we can use the formula:

Sale Price = Regular Price - (Discount Percent * Regular Price)

Given that the regular price is $174 and the discount is 40%, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Sale Price = $174 - (40% * $174)

First, let's calculate the discount amount:

Discount Amount = 40% * $174
Discount Amount = 0.40 * $174
Discount Amount = $69.60

Now, we can subtract the discount amount from the regular price to find the sale price:

Sale Price = $174 - $69.60
Sale Price = $104.40

Therefore, the sale price is $104.40 when rounded to the nearest cent.

To find the sale price, you need to apply the discount to the regular price.

Step 1: Convert the percentage discount to decimal form.

To do this, divide the discount percentage by 100. In this case, the discount is 40%, so you divide 40 by 100:

40 / 100 = 0.4

Step 2: Calculate the amount of discount.

To find the discount amount, multiply the regular price by the decimal form of the discount. In this case, the regular price is $174 and the decimal form of the discount is 0.4:

$174 × 0.4 = $69.6

Step 3: Subtract the discount from the regular price to find the sale price.

To do this, subtract the discount amount from the regular price:

$174 - $69.6 = $104.4

So, the sale price is $104.4 rounded to the nearest cent.