What is the meaning of the figure of speech used in the sentence and what deeper message does it convey?

To determine the meaning of a figure of speech used in a sentence and the deeper message it conveys, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the figure of speech
Look for any language or phrase in the sentence that deviates from its literal meaning. Common figures of speech include similes, metaphors, personification, hyperbole, and idioms.

Step 2: Analyze the figure of speech
Once you've identified the figure of speech, analyze its literal meaning and compare it to the intended meaning in the given sentence. This will help you understand the rhetorical effect or literary device being used.

Step 3: Consider the context
Examine the sentence in relation to its surrounding text or situation to understand the deeper message being conveyed. Consider the author's intent, tone, and any thematic elements that may lend meaning to the figure of speech.

Step 4: Interpret the message
Based on your analysis, interpret the deeper message being conveyed by the figure of speech. Consider how it adds depth, imagery, or emotional impact to the overall meaning of the sentence or passage. Note any themes, symbols, or social or cultural connotations that may be present.

Step 5: Provide the answer
Now that you have followed these steps to analyze the figure of speech and its deeper message, you can provide a clear and concise explanation of both. Remember to support your answer with evidence from the sentence and its context.

By applying these steps, you will be able to understand the meaning of a figure of speech and delve into the underlying message it conveys.

To answer your question, I would need to know the specific sentence and the figure of speech used in it. Could you please provide me with the sentence in question?